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Implementation phase 2022 - 2026

PowerPoint Überschriftsfolie "Umsetzungsphase SmartCity 2022-2026". © Stadt Gera

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The SMARTCity strategy as a living document forms the basis for the further dynamic strategy and implementation process in connection with the testing of pilot projects. It is the prerequisite and planning basis for target-oriented action during the implementation phase and thus for the controlled and successful development of the Smart City model city.
The City Council's decision on the SMARTCity strategy and its implementation projects was brought about by a circular resolution (see printed matter 82/2019 7th supplement dated 14.12.2021). The following implementation projects are planned as part of the post-qualification of the measures with the Smart Cities Model Projects Coordination and Transfer Office:

Digital theater

Digital city guidance system

Participatory urban planning

Smart waste management

Sensors and smart metering

Transformed citizen service

Energy and resource efficiency in the neighborhood

Transformation of mobility in medium-sized cities

SMARTCity City tours, Stadt Gera
. © Stadt Gera

SMARTCity City tours

[Translate to Englisch:] Die 90-minütige Themenführung gibt Einblicke und Hintergrundwissen zu den konkreten Projekten, die im Rahmen des Modellprojektes SMARTCity bereits entstanden sind und die damit das Leben der Stadt mit Hilfe moderner Technik nachhaltig vereinfachen und attraktiver gestalten.

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