Resident parking
If you live in a residents' parking zone, you can apply for a residents' parking permit.
If your main residence is in a resident parking zone, please use the online application option in the ThAVEL online service: Apply for/renew resident parking permit.
Please enclose the following documents:
- Copy of your identity document (both sides!)
- Copy of your vehicle registration certificate/registration certificate part I (both sides!)
- Copy of your driver's license (both sides!)
- Transfer of use if the vehicle is not registered to you (you will find a form for the transfer of use under Downloads)
- Telephone contact details or e-mail address
After the documents have been checked, you will receive confirmation and information about collecting the parking card. You pay the fee (90.00 euros) when you collect the parking card on site.
In the event of an extension, please bring your expired resident parking permit with you when you collect it. It is not necessary to make an appointment.
You are also welcome to send us an inquiry to or to Stadt Gera, Stadtservice H35, Kornmarkt 12, 07545 Gera, enclosing the aforementioned documents.
We would like to point out that when sending e-mails, data transmission via the Internet is unsecured and the data could therefore theoretically be accessed or falsified by unauthorized persons.
In special cases (e.g. issuance of resident parking permits for residents with a secondary residence or owners of a house in a resident parking zone), it is mandatory to contact the StadtService H35 by telephone on 0365 - 838 1900.
StadtService H35
Office | Heinrichstraße 35
07545 Gera Wir bitten um Beachtung, dass die telefonische Erreichbarkeit im Publikumsverkehr eingeschränkt sein kann. Gerne können Sie uns auch eine Mail an mit Ihrem Anliegen und Ihren telefonischen Kontaktdaten senden, wir rufen Sie zurück. Wir bitten um Verständnis! |
Postal address | Kornmarkt 12
07545 Gera |
Head of Office | Frau Golde |
Closing days | 19.04.2025 |
Transportation | Linie 1, Zentrale Umsteigestelle Heinrichstraße Linie 3, Zentrale Umsteigestelle Heinrichstraße oder mit dem Bus Zentrale Umsteigestelle Heinrichstraße |
Barrier-free access | Yes | | |
Tel. | 0365 838 - 1900 |
Fax | 0365 838 - 1901 |
Opening hours | Please note that it is generally necessary to make an appointment. Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00 Uhr Wednesday 09:00 - 13:00 Uhr Thursday 09:00 - 18:00 Uhr Friday 09:00 - 15:00 Uhr Saturday 09:00 - 13:00 Uhr |