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Security and order / trade


Business registrations

A simultaneous business registration is required at the start of the business activity. The same applies to the relocation of the registered office, the change or expansion of the business activity, the change of name or the cessation of the business activity.

The public order office in whose jurisdiction the registered office is located is responsible for this.


A fully completed and signed form or electronic transmission of the business registration is required for the business registration.

Required documents

With the application:

  • for craft businesses subject to licensing: a copy of the craft card
  • for foreign nationals (except EU countries): valid residence permit for self-employment
  • for legal entities: extract from the commercial register
  • a copy of the notarial deed for legal entities in the process of being established
  • After application for trades requiring supervision in accordance with § 38 GewO:

Certificate of good conduct in accordance with § 30 Para. 5 of the Federal Central Register Act for submission to an authority and
Information from the central trade register in accordance with § 150 Para. 5 for submission to an authority

Business registration25,00 Euro
Business deregistration15,00 Euro
Business deregistration10,00 Euro
Information from the trade register15,00 Euro

Online application

Travel trade

Anyone wishing to carry out a traveling trade requires prior permission (traveling trade permit). The public order office in whose jurisdiction the applicant is resident or the legal entity has its registered office is responsible for the application. The traveling trade license is issued for an unlimited period and is valid for the whole of Germany. It must be carried during the exercise of the trade and presented on request.


All necessary documents must be submitted in accordance with the annex to the permit application. The applicant's reliability is a prerequisite for the issue of the traveling trade card.


200,00 €

Please note:

The activity may only be commenced once the traveling trade card has been issued.

Enforcement of the Thuringian Restaurant Act (ThürGastG)

In Thuringia, no permit is required to operate a restaurant as a standing business. The business registration stating the type of food and beverages must be submitted at least 4 weeks before the opening of the business, whereby it should be noted that a building permit must be available for the intended place of business.


  • to apply for information from the Federal Central Register (for submission to an authority) and
  • to apply for information from the central trade register (for submission to an authority)

for the purpose of checking the personal reliability of the applicant.


40.00 euros.

Enforcement § 3 Prostitution Protection Act (ProstSchG)

All female, male and trans* prostitutes who provide a sexual service in return for payment must register. This registration must take place before the start of the activity or before the expiry of the previous registration certificate with the authority in whose jurisdiction you mainly wish to carry out the activity.

A health consultation (not an examination) must be carried out before the registration certificate is issued. You can do this at a health authority of your choice. Proof of the health consultation is mandatory for the registration of prostitution. This proof is valid for 6 months for persons between the ages of 18 and 21 and for one year for persons over the age of 21 and must not be older than three months at the time of initial registration.

In addition to a registration certificate, you also have the option of obtaining an alias certificate.


  • 2 photographs
  • Identity card/passport/replacement passport or identity card
  • Certificate of a health consultation (not older than three months for initial registration)


This service is provided free of charge in accordance with § 2 ThürAGProstSchG.

Trades requiring a license

Please contact us if you require further information on our services, in particular on the documents required to check the requirements. We will be happy to send you a form for applying for the relevant permit by post. Unfortunately, for data protection reasons, it is not possible to send the form by e-mail without your written consent.

For personal consultations, we kindly ask you to make an appointment in advance. Please contact us by telephone for this purpose.

Further tasks

Regarding questions on the enforcement

  • the Price Indication Ordinance (PAngV)
  • the Thuringian Shop Opening Act (ThürLadÖffG)
  • the Chimney Sweep Trade Act (SchfHwG) and any other legislation

you can also contact our authority.


OfficeHandwerkerhof 13,
07548 Gera
Closing days02.05.2025, 30.05.2025, 24.12.2025, 31.12.2025
Barrier-free accessYes
Tel.0365 838 - 2490
Fax0365 838 - 2495
Availability by telephoneMonday 09:00 - 17:00 Uhr
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00 Uhr
Wednesday closed
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00 Uhr
Friday 09:00 - 15:00 Uhr