Further information
Further information

Gigabit office of the federal government
The central task of the Federal Gigabit Office is to actively support the nationwide expansion of digital infrastructures. The Federal Gigabit Office provides information on current developments (e.g. in the areas of 5G, mobile communications, digital applications), offers comprehensive information and workshops and, as a competence center of the BMDV, is the central point of contact for questions relating to the expansion of digital infrastructure for citizens, companies and public administrations.
Guide "How does fiber optics get to your home"
Flyer "Your fiber optic connection"

Since 1 June 2019, the Digital Agency Thuringia has been the central point of contact for all questions relating to digitalization in Thuringia. What current projects are there? What is the status of broadband expansion? What funding opportunities are available to me? The Digital Agency Thuringia acts on behalf of the Free State of Thuringia and provides support on all these topics. It informs, advises and networks. In addition to the news on its website, it also organizes a large number of free events for information and exchange on the topics of digitalization.
Broadband atlas of the Federal Network Agency
The Broadband Atlas is operated by the Central Federal Information Service (ZIS) of the Federal Network Agency and is the central information medium on current broadband coverage in Germany for fixed and mobile networks. The broadband atlas is updated regularly and is available to all interested parties free of charge.