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Residents and documents

Registration information

Do you need information about a new address or other personal data? Then you must submit a written request.

Simple information from the population register

Simple information from the population register is only possible if

  1. the person you are looking for can be unequivocally identified from your details in the population register and
  2. you make a declaration that the information will not be used for advertising or address trading. If the data is used for commercial purposes, this must be stated.

You will receive the following information with the information:

Surname, first name (if applicable, given name), doctorate, current address and a note if the person is deceased.

Extended registration register information

To obtain this information, you must demonstrate a legitimate or legal interest in the data. You will receive information if this is legally permissible.

In addition to the simple registration register information, the extended registration register information then includes one or more of the following pieces of information: previous names, date and place of birth (if born abroad, also the country), marital status, current nationalities, previous addresses, date of moving in or out, first names and surnames and address of the spouse or partner, legal representation and address of the legal representative, date and place of death (if died abroad, also the country).

Required documents:

1. your personal details and address

2. details of the person you are looking for:

  • Surname
  • First names
  • Date of birth and/or
  • last known address 

The more specific your details are, the more successful the search will be.

3. Legitimate or legal interest in the case of extended information from the population register


Costs are incurred. These vary according to the type of information requested:

  • Simple information from the population register for private purposes EUR 11.00
  • Simple information from the population register for commercial purposes 13.00 EUR
  • Extended information from the register of residents 14.00 EUR
  • Information from the population register, the provision of which requires a greater administrative effort 16.00 to 40.00 EUR
  • Information from the population register for which local investigations are required 30.00 to 90.00 EUR

The fee is to be paid as follows:

  • Enclosure of a crossed check or
  • advance transfer of the fee to the account of the City of Gera (bank details: Sparkasse Gera-Greiz, IBAN DE90 8305 0000 0000 0000 19, Bankident HELADEF1GER) stating the reason for payment "11.00001.5 and name of the requested person".

Please enclose a copy of the payment/transfer receipt with your request for information as proof of payment of the fee.

Residents and Documents Department

OfficeHeinrichstraße 35
07545 Gera
Postal addressKornmarkt 12
07545 Gera
Head of OfficeFrau Dressel
Closing days10.05.2024, 04.10.2024, 23.12.2024
TransportationLinie 1, Zentrale Umsteigestelle Heinrichstraße Linie 3, Zentrale Umsteigestelle Heinrichstraße oder mit dem Bus Zentrale Umsteigestelle Heinrichstraße
Barrier-free accessNo
Tel.0365 838 - 2501
Fax0365 838 - 2505
Opening hoursby appointment
Availability by telephoneMonday 09:00 - 17:00 Uhr
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00 Uhr
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00 Uhr
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00 Uhr
Friday 09:00 - 15:00 Uhr

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