Groundwater protection / wells

Groundwater is the most important resource for drinking water production, which has priority over other uses. Groundwater should only be used to the extent that groundwater recharge takes place.
The discharge of substances into the groundwater, the extraction, extraction from the surface, extraction to the surface and discharge as well as the damming, lowering and diversion of groundwater are groundwater uses that require a permit in accordance with Sections 8 and 9 of the Water Resources Act (WHG).
The lower water authority must always be notified of any extraction of groundwater; the same applies to excavations or earth excavations that are not intended for the purpose of water extraction but nevertheless reach the groundwater. The notification must be made before drilling begins. Prohibitions and bans in drinking water protection zones must be observed.
If the applicant wishes to use the groundwater as process water, for example for cooling purposes or for flushing toilets, they require an exemption from the obligation to connect and use drinking water from the Mittleres Elstertal water/wastewater association in order to obtain a permit under water law from the water authority.
If groundwater use is to be terminated, the wells must be properly stored (technical regulations). This is to prevent any future damage to the groundwater.
The decommissioning of a well is also subject to notification.
In accordance with Section 39 of the Thuringian Water Act, a permit for farm operations is only required if the extraction or discharge of groundwater exceeds a quantity of 2000 m³ per calendar year per extraction point.
The fee depends on the type of use and is set out in the Thuringian cost regulations for the Thuringian Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Nature Conservation.