The floodplain of the Weiße Elster was re-designated to a design flood of HQ100 by ordinance on November 25, 2005. The overview maps (scale 1: 10,000) and property maps (scale 1: 2,000) belonging to the legal ordinances are available at the lower water authority and can be viewed by anyone during office hours or by appointment.
Prohibitions and restrictions must be observed in the floodplain. The floodplain comprises the areas where flood events are to be expected with a high probability and for which special legal regulations apply.
The probability of an average of one flood in 100 years and the flood events of 1954 and 1981 were used to determine the outer boundary of the floodplain.
However, this does not mean that flood events cannot occur more frequently or that areas outside the boundaries of the designated floodplain cannot also be affected by flooding.
The floodplain serves the purpose of preventive flood protection, flood retention and securing flood runoff.

Prohibitions and restrictions must be observed in the floodplain. Measures and projects in the floodplain require water law approval/exception approval from the water authority.
1. it is prohibited to raise the ground surface within the designated floodplain,
- to convert grassland for the purpose of change of use,
- to erect buildings in outdoor areas within the meaning of Section 35 of the German Building Code (BauGB)
- or to increase the footprint of existing outdoor structures and
- to store, transfer, fill, manufacture, treat or otherwise use substances hazardous to water. (The latter does not apply to the use of substances hazardous to water in connection with agricultural measures that comply with the principles of good professional practice).
The water authority may grant an exemption for the listed points upon request.
upon request. The exemption may only be granted if, in individual cases
- there are no concerns that the water quality will be impaired,
- the project has only an insignificant impact on flood retention,
- the project will not adversely affect the water level and discharge during floods,
- a not insignificant loss of retention space in the affected watercourse section can be compensated for,
- the existing flood protection is not impaired and
- the realization of the project does not conflict with other interests of the water balance.
2. a permit is required in floodplains
- the construction of building structures or the enlargement of the footprint of existing building structures within the built-up areas within the meaning of Section 34 BauGB,
- the creation, extension or removal of tree or shrub plantings and
- the deepening of the earth's surface require the approval of the water authority.
3. the use of fertilizers and pesticides is permitted after the snow cover has thawed (in accordance with the provisions of the Fertilizer Ordinance!) and only until 31 October of each year.
4. arable land in the 10 m area (from the top of the embankment) of the Weiße Elster must be covered with sown crops at least from November 15 of one year to February 15 of the following year.
5. outside settlement areas, non-floatable objects and materials that can be washed away (e.g. earth, wood, sand, stones) may not be stored or deposited without adequate protection.
In accordance with resolution no. 189-25/81 of the Gera City Council of 30.09.1981, floodplains were also established for the following watercourses of the second order in the Gera urban area:
- Reuterbach
- Gessenbach stream
- Bieblacher stream
- Brahme
- Schoßbach
- Saarbach
- Langengrobsdorf stream
- Wipse
The above-mentioned prohibitions and restrictions in flood areas also apply to these.
Applications for permits or exemptions are generally subject to a fee. The fee must be determined on a case-by-case basis and is based on the Thuringian cost regulations for the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Conservation.