District office Lusan
The Lusan district office is run by the Kindervereinigung Gera e.V. It aims to make it easier for residents to participate in public planning processes in the district, particularly as part of the "Socially Integrative City" and "Urban Redevelopment" urban development programs.

The district management acts as a point of contact for residents in the district. The aim is to make the exchange of information and participation citizen-oriented. The district office thus serves as a point of contact and mediation between the administrative and planning level of the city and the residents of the respective district.
Two citizens' consultation hours are held each week, during which citizens can voice their concerns.

Citizens' committee Lusan
A special participation model has been practiced in Gera Lusan since 1995:
Citizens discuss, consult and decide on the development of their district together with local stakeholders such as representatives from social and cultural institutions, associations and the local economy in a committee. Residents and local stakeholders can have a direct say here. Their needs are taken into account and incorporated into the development of the district and the projects.
Interested parties can participate at a low threshold; there is no selection of the group of participants.
The current dates of the citizens' committee can be found on the website of the district office.
Contact person
District office Lusan
Office | Werner-Petzold-Straße 10
07549 Gera |
stadtteilbuero.lusan@web.de | |
Tel. | 0365 20422854 |
Citizens' consultation hours take place on Mondays and Thursdays from 12:30 to 16:30.