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Providing health assistance

If you do not have health insurance and only receive short-term subsistence assistance, you may be entitled to health benefits.


If you do not have health insurance and receive uninterrupted assistance for living expenses for a short period of time (probably less than one month), the social welfare office will provide the necessary medical care immediately by issuing a treatment certificate.

This includes

  • Preventive health assistance for the prevention and early detection of illnesses
  • assistance in the event of illness
  • Help with family planning
  • Help with pregnancy and maternity
  • Assistance with sterilization

The assistance corresponds to the benefits provided by statutory health insurance, including the obligation to make co-payments within the limits of the statutory health insurance.

If "traditional" membership of a health insurance fund exists or can be arranged, this option has priority. If there is no right of access to health insurance in the normal way, registration by the social welfare office with a health insurance fund of the beneficiary's choice may be considered. If the requirements are not met (e.g. in the case of very short-term need), the social welfare office will provide the necessary assistance by directly granting benefits within the framework of health assistance.

  • You contact the social welfare office responsible for you with a request for an electronic health card or a treatment certificate.
  • The social welfare office will check the application.
  • If all requirements are met, you will receive an electronic health card or a treatment certificate.

Please contact the social welfare office of your district or city.

  • It is not reasonable to expect them to raise the funds from their own income and assets.
  • Exclusion of priority benefits (including health insurance, accident insurance, care for victims of war, Asylum Seekers Benefits Act)
  • Treatment certificate (assistance must be provided in the form of goods and services)
  • In the case of justified self-help (e.g. emergency), reimbursement of costs already incurred is possible.

  • Informal application for the issue of a treatment certificate
  • Current notification of benefits to secure your livelihood
  • Identity card or passport
  • Prescriptions and/or proof of payment, if applicable
  • Required consultation confirmations, cost estimates, rejection notices

Fee: gebührenfrei

The responsible social welfare agency can only issue a treatment certificate once it has become aware of the need. It is therefore important to submit an application as soon as possible.

A decision on the application will be made as quickly as possible, especially if there is a recognizable urgency.

All you need to do is submit an informal application to the social welfare office responsible for you.

The text was automatically translated based on the German content.

Social welfare office

Zuständige Stellen


Stadtverwaltung Gera - Abteilung 3140 Teilhabemanagement
Gagarinstraße 99/101
07545 Gera

- Help with living expenses
- Care assistance
- Health care
- Integration assistance for disabled persons
- Basic benefits for old age and reduced earning capacity (as part of participation management)
- Help to overcome special social difficulties
- Compensation according to the law for professional rehabilitation services


0365 838-3141


0365 838-3145




Participation Management

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00

Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00

Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00

Thursday 09:00 - 17:00

Friday 09:00 - 15:00

Public Transportation


TramwayLinie 3

Parking Lot

Parking PlaceParken vor dem Dienstgebäude möglich

Fees: No



Wheelchair Accessible



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