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Apply for a tree felling permit

If you want to remove a tree or other woody plant between March and September, you need a permit.


Trees produce vital oxygen, improve the climate, filter dust and pollutants and provide humidity and air movement. They provide a habitat for a wide variety of animals, enliven and structure the cityscape or townscape and dampen noise. To ensure that trees are preserved, they are protected - especially in densely populated areas - but also in the open countryside.

For the general protection of the species, the Federal Nature Conservation Act prohibits the felling of trees outside areas used for gardening and all other woody plants (including hedges and bushes) between March 1 and September 30. This includes uprooting and clearing. This prohibition does not apply to pruning and trimming to remove the growth of plants or to maintain the health of trees.

If you wish to cut down a tree or remove hedges or bushes within this time window, you will need to obtain a fee-based exemption from this ban. If necessary, you must provide compensation or replacement for the felled trees.

It should also be noted that the removal of trees and shrubs (regardless of the time of felling) may also violate special prohibitions under species protection law or protected area regulations.

If your municipality has a tree protection statute, these regulations must also be taken into account.

Permits, exceptions and exemptions under nature conservation law are issued by the lower nature conservation authorities. They will also be happy to provide you with information on all issues relating to the protection of trees and shrubs as well as species protection.

Your town or municipality can tell you whether it has issued tree protection bylaws and what regulations they contain.

The text was automatically translated based on the German content.

Thuringian Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Nature Conservation


Zuständige Stellen


Stadtverwaltung Gera - 4200 Umweltamt
Amthorstraße 11
07545 Gera

One of the fundamental tasks of the Environment Department is to maintain functioning natural cycles and protect the environment. This is a prerequisite for improving the quality of life and creating a city worth living in and loving. In particular, the environmental department deals with issues of soil protection, waste disposal, water management, emissions and immissions, chemical safety, nature, species and tree protection. The staff of the Environment Department will be happy to answer any questions you may have about environmental protection and nature conservation in the city.

They deal in particular with
- Statements, participation in planning and measures
- Processing complaints, providing information and advice
- Issuing orders and permits in accordance with the relevant environmental regulations
- Control and monitoring
- Administrative offenses


0365 838-4201


0365 838-4205





Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00

Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00

Wednesday closed

Thursday 09:00 - 17:00

Friday 09:00 - 15:00

Public Transportation


TramwayLinie 1

Parking Lot

Parking PlaceParken in der Zabelstraße möglich

Fees: Yes



Wheelchair Accessible


Contact Person


Telephone: 0365 838-4240


Info sheet "All about the tree"

Tree felling application

Tree protection statute

Why do we need a tree protection statute?


Stadtverwaltung Gera - Abteilung 4240 Naturschutz
Amthorstraße 11
07545 Gera

The aim of nature conservation in Germany is to protect nature and the landscape on the basis of their intrinsic value and as the basis for human life and health (Section 1 of the Federal Nature Conservation Act). The preservation of our livelihoods is a public task and serves the national objective enshrined in Article 20a of the Basic Law.
Overuse and destruction of nature and the landscape must be avoided and the restoration, preservation and long-term, sustainable use of natural resources must be pursued. The biological diversity, regenerative capacity, but also the diversity, individual character and beauty as well as the recreational value of nature and landscape must be safeguarded.
A distinction is made between abiotic and biotic components of the ecosystem according to whether living organisms are involved in the processes and interactions. Soils, water bodies, climate, air, biotopes and the landscape are regarded as abiotic. Biotic components of the ecosystem are fauna and flora. There are many interrelationships and interactions between the components, which are examined and studied in more detail in landscape ecology, for example. Individual components of the complex system must be protected so that they can fulfill their function in the long term. Important functions of the ecosystem: It provides us with a settlement area and business location (food, raw materials, processing, transportation), and serves us for recreation and health maintenance. Restricted or lost functions can have serious consequences for people and future generations.
Important objects of nature conservation include natural landscapes, natural monuments, protected areas and landscape features, as well as rare and endangered plants, animals and habitats (biotopes) that occur in certain ecosystems depending on their location. Nature conservation is therefore also concerned with location factors such as soil, climate, air or the effects of noise and other harmful influences on nature and landscape such as light, movement, fragmentation or isolation of habitats. Nature and landscape must be protected in populated and unpopulated areas. In recent decades, nature conservation within settlements and on agricultural land has also become increasingly important.
The Lower Nature Conservation Authority, which is part of the Environment Department of Gera City Council, is responsible for implementing the legal requirements for nature conservation in almost all areas.


0365 8384240


0365 838-4205




Nature conservation authority

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00

Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00

Wednesday closed

Thursday 09:00 - 17:00

Friday 09:00 - 15:00

Parking Lot

Parking PlaceParken in der Zabelstraße möglich

Fees: Yes



Wheelchair Accessible
